Crawling is done by the search engines and content is indexed by them. This results in the appearance of the sites in the SERP. The bigger sites take longer time in Crawling and vice versa. But the site should offer optimized crawling and indexing to the search engines. There are ways in which the site can be grown favorably to consider this aspect and make it more susceptible to crawling success rate.
When the user is aware of the tips beforehand, their experience is much more enhanced and they are less likely to make mistakes.
How does the Crawl Work?
Google is able to find a link to the websites and the URL is the virtual pile. Googlebot takes page by page from the pile. Crawling and indexing of the content is done. The links to the page are attached to the pile. Even redirection can be experienced by Googlebot at this time and the page goes to the pile. Hence the site owner would naturally want that Googlebot gets all the pages on the site and also the content gets crawled faster. Thus the site should be well maintained for the activity.
The depth of the Crawl
Linking from page to page and site to site, the crawling gets deeper and bigger. After a while, the crawling will no longer be required and at this point, Google will return to the first page. Hence it is important that the sites make use of Tags, Categories, and taxonomies so that granular segmentation is achieved. A tag should not connect more than 3 pieces of content at a time to make the process effective because too much tagging is not good. Achieve category archives. Use numbers to link pages so that the tool can reach the pages faster. The site should be maintained at a good pace so that crawling is quicker.
Crawl efficiency and XML Sitemaps
With the help of XML sitemaps, Google can spot the existence of URL in the site. The updating of the URL will also be known to Google. The search engines crawl URLs in the XML Sitemaps at a faster pace and much more than others.
Causes of bad Crawling
The existence of Errors like 404
While crawling Google comes across errors. It goes to the Next page while experiencing such errors. This slows the process also. Thus it is essential to fix the errors so that Googlebot can do its job of crawling uninterrupted. These errors can be fixed with the help of the available tools by the search engines. Fixing the errors is a continuous process.
Redirects like 301 in excess
The large group of URLs is often linked without the trailing slash which can cause the 301 redirects. If the issue exists in large numbers, then it is an issue which should be fixed. Updating links within the site is required to get rid of the redirects.
Spider Traps
If Google finds the site authoritative, it will keep crawling. A lot of archives are created and the crawling can happen backward in time also. This is called Spider Traps and can slow the crawling. Hence it is essential to fix it.
Improve crawl efficiency with the help of available tools
A filter for the HTML pages can help in achieving better crawl. The tools can help to find the performance of the site. These tools are very efficient in their performance can help the websites achieve the standard required for the best crawling of the sites. Even SEO Companies make use of such tools to increase the efficiency of the sites so that crawling can happen at a faster pace and without any interruption.