5 SEO Tasks You Should Always Consider With Priority

Whether you have a business or a personal blog, if you have a website, organic search rankings are one of the crucial factors which help make it successful. As many SEO experts know well enough, popular search engines like Google keep mum about what their algorithm is when ranking websites. And as they update their algorithm regularly, many SEO experts or search engine enthusiasts would begin assuming what SEO strategies need to be done to please the search bots.

But regardless of how much has changed or been updated, or what SEO experts say to change, there are a lot of important tasks that still need to be done. With that being said, read on as I show you the five SEO tasks you should always consider with priority.

Not many website owners actually are familiar with what to prioritize when it comes to SEO. Unfortunately, these small yet crucial tasks end up affecting SEO negatively if left unattended. With that being said, focus on these five tasks:

  1. Optimize The Website’s Image Alt Text

The image alt text on our website’s media has always been an important component when it comes to SEO. However, as years pass and updates continue, people have been talking about how search engines use machine learning to understand images and what it’s about, which is the primary purpose of the image alt text.

BUT, that doesn’t mean including the alt text is now a waste of time. Even as there are newer AI-filled functions and procedures to recognize images, you don’t lose anything (but do gain more) when adding quality image alt texts on your site and content. We can’t say that image alt text will still be useful in five to ten years, but adding it now is still best to keep it safe and sure.

  1. Prioritize the Authority of Your Content

Authority of Content

The content authority has been important components of SEO even since the creation of it! After all, search engines want to make sure that those who rank high on their results pages are the websites with useful and credible sources that search engine users will appreciate.

With that being said, you may need to switch up your content order, with experts recommending to build the priority of your content following an E-A-T order, meaning Expertise- Authority – Trustworthiness.

How can you do that? Be ALWAYS prioritizing the authority area of your content. Not only does linking out and using authoritative and credible content help with your SEO, but it helps you create insightful content viewers and search bots will appreciate.

  1. Create Longer Quality Content

Many experts have mentioned creating longer content for better SEO results. However, they also say that the word count itself isn’t a ranking factor. Short-form content still has a similar ranking potential as longer ones.

BUT, don’t only aim to write shorter content. The crucial part of creating content is providing as much useful information as possible. Sometimes, it only takes 500 words. Other times, it can take thousands. Either way, it all boils down to you and the research done.

Furthermore, studies show that long-form content has had more links than shorter articles, which helps with backlink acquisition and SEO.

  1. Target LSI Keywords (NOT For Ranking)

LSI, or Latent Semantic Indexing, keywords won’t impact the search rankings directly. BUT, it can help cover needed information that’s related to your phrases and keywords originally targeted. This can help you get rankings for other relevant search terms, also avoiding you to stuff keywords that result in penalties.

Rather than using the same keywords over and over again, go for LSI keywords for bots to understand your message on your website and content. Go for a natural and conservative tone to avoid looking like you placed it for the sake of SEO.

  1. HTTPS and Better Security

HTTPS is a lightweight ranking factor but a huge impact on those who visit your website. It helps keep people on your website as they have assured security without the big red “NOT SECURE” label on your website.

Wrapping It Up

SEO is something that will never die down and it continues to boom, with companies such as providing services and ways on how you can improve your website. As long as the necessary tasks are done and you prioritize the crucial factors of SEO, you’re able to gain success and improve your ranks. It all starts with the basics and small changes.

I hope that this article on the five SEO tasks you should always consider with priority helped you out. So don’t wait any longer and look into these tasks now.

If you have any questions or want to share your tips on improving SEO, comment below. Your thoughts are much appreciated.

Sonu Singh

Sonu Singh is an enthusiastic blogger & SEO expert at 4SEOHELP. He is digitally savvy and loves to learn new things about the world of digital technology. He loves challenges come in his way. He prefers to share useful information such as SEO, WordPress, Web Hosting, Affiliate Marketing etc. His provided knowledge helps the business people, developers, designers, and bloggers to stay ahead in the digital competition.

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