10 Ways to Keep Your Visitors Stay on Your Website

An online store or a website can be seen as the face value of the brand! It’s how you represent your brand to the world and how your target audience connects with you. But sometimes, it may feel like you are in a battlefield of your competitors where you won’t get enough recognition among the industry. Getting visitors to your service or product page is half the battle; the real hardship is making them stay on your website for a longer time and make them interact with your features!

But it’s no matter how much effort you have been putting towards getting more visitors and making them stay on your website, you have to know exactly what to do! So, what are the methods you have been trying to get more visitors to your website? If you want to increase brand awareness, let your loyal customers spread your message, and encourage your target audience to stay on your site more, try these methods:

Monitor And Update Your Site Periodically

There’s one thing that you lose a considerable amount of your website visitors is because they don’t experience anything new on your website. That means, they would feel like there’s nothing new to explore in your website. To overcome this defect, always update your website with new content and regularly monitor your site for the changes that the latest update has brought! You can include a new blog category, add valuable content, or create more product or service page if necessary.

The more relevant content you put on your website, the more visitors will come and stay on your website. Just say, if you run a digital marketing firm, catching up with the latest trends and creating more valuable evergreen content will get you enough loyal visitors. Likewise, if you offer products, introducing new products or services will get you there!

Consider An Interactive Website Design

If you like it or not, people judge a book by its cover. Have you ever visited a website and closed that tab as soon as it loads, because it has many pop-up messages laid over the actual content? Believe me, no one wants to visit a website that is full of ads, spam messages, a lot of pop up messages, and more. A user usually sticks to a website based on its infrastructure, color scheme, text – image portion, user-friendly interface, and quick navigation bars to the expected destination!

A poorly structured interface and a lot of spam content will lead a user to think that your services will be too awful. Build a website that is visually aesthetic and will tell your company value at the same time. You can be more creative, test some realistic designs with the interface and find out what is best for your website that will attract your target visitors like a flame, and boost your brand awareness.

Always Be On First Page Of Google

Sometimes, you miss a lot of target audience just because your service was on the second page of Google’s SERP results. According to SmartInsights study below are the following clickthrough rates by position:

  • The first result on SERP: 36.4% clickthrough rate
  • Second result on SERP: 12.5% clickthrough rate
  • The third result on SERP: 9.5% clickthrough rate

As you can see, as the SERP position increases, the fewer visitors you will have. Increasing your brand awareness, publishing relevant content, backlink building strategies, updating your website data, including metadata, description, alt tags, and title, will help you reach on page one.

Increase Your Page Speed

Page speed plays an integral part where you get most visitors. It really affects your performance where even a one-second delay in page loading speed leads to:

  • 7% loss in conversions
  • 11% fewer page views
  • 16% decrease in customer satisfaction

Not only this, but page speed also determines your website visibility and as well as your ranking on Google’s search results. To know what your website is slow, run your site on Pagespeed Insights. To increase your page speed, check the following methods:

  • Minimize HTTP requests
  • Minify and combine files
  • Minimize time to first byte
  • Enable browser caching
  • Reduce server response time
  • Choose the right hosting option
  • Run and enable compression audit

Add Call To Action When Necessary

What is the best time and section to put your call to action button? Almost every page should contain at least one CTA button. But it would be best if you did not overdo or place the CTA button in the unnecessary places. Placing a CTA button at the end of the blog post is fine, but putting it on the top of the page is a wrong action. Most readers may leave your site when they complete their interaction, but putting the CTA button at the right place will convert them into a loyal customer.

To get their attention, you can opt for an animated pop-up or slide-in CTA button. Your content and the CTA button following the content should be compelling enough to encourage your audience. You can also test contrasting colors on the CTA button to make it look attractive!

Use Engaging Video And Image Content

Did you know that many of your visitors will watch a short video rather than reading all of the text? Yes! People love video and image content more than texts! They believe it provides more value to a website. According to Rocketium’s video marketing statistics, users are more interested in watching video content than reading text content! They also found that marketers who have used video content on their site improved their revenue by 49% faster than non-video users.

Now, are you thinking about adding video and image content as part of your website? It’s a good idea to include video content on your website to make your visitors spend more time on your site. While doing so, always remember to include relevant or entertaining content and don’t overdo the process. If you offer a website, you can add a short video on how the tool you provide works, uses, its benefits, and all.

Build More Backlinks To Your Website

You may be wondering how building backlinks to your website may help your visitors stay longer on your website, right? Link building builds authority in the field. Authority means brand awareness, and eventually, your content will get on Google’s first page result. And you would already know the benefits of being on page #1! Google also confirmed that great backlinks and quality content are two of the best ways to improve your Google rankings. You have the option to build backlinks from other sites and build more internal links within your own site.Getting a quality backlink from a high authoritative website is more powerful than getting a 1000 backlinks from low quality websites!

Follow these methods to create more backlinks to your website:

  • Create more shareable content
  • Create more internal backlinks
  • Develop more network online
  • Write more valuable guest posts
  • Conduct interviews and allow yourself to interview

Use Non-spammy, Relevant Content

Headlines are the most important part of your content as they gave the users an overall idea of what they can expect inside the content! As they are the gatekeepers of your content they should provide the best interest of your content! Never trick your audience by providing them a clickbait title! Marketers may use clickbait titles and images as their marketing strategy because they only care about one-time marketing metrics! “How” or “Why” contents are always an excellent topic for social sharing. Because many users search to understand what is a term or why it is a term like that!

You can also use power words in your title! You can use emotional words either with positive words like “advantage”, “excellent”, “fortune” or negative words like “tragic”, “terrible”!You can also use some phrases to imply that your content is exclusive by adding words like “top”, “secret”, “new”, “ultimate”.

Take Care Of The Mobile Version

As we are living in a fast-paced world where everyone is accessing everything through their smartphone! As more websites and applications are getting more popular among mobile using users, you should spend time ensuring that your website and services are accessible and available to mobile users! Because if your CTA buttons, content, or other services are not showing properly on mobile devices, you might lose a ton of users and loyal customers!

As your user tries to open your website on their mobile phones to make a purchase, and it didn’t show properly your user might bounce back! And this will lead to decreasing the average time spent on your website!

Fix Broken Links And Other Site Mistakes

When a user clicks on your link and reaches a dead-end (404 pages), they may not return to your website again! To avoid these types of errors to improve the quality of your website, analyze and fix your website’s error pages! There are a number of tools such as Xenu, Google analytics to find broken links on your website! After identifying the broken links on your website, create a spreadsheet to fix and track your changes! Here are some things to do with your broken links:

  • Redirect the broken page to the new location
  • Reach out to the linking website and request a fix
  • Recreate or replace the content at the broken URL
  • Redirect the broken page to another relevant page on your website

Sonu Singh

Sonu Singh is an enthusiastic blogger & SEO expert at 4SEOHELP. He is digitally savvy and loves to learn new things about the world of digital technology. He loves challenges come in his way. He prefers to share useful information such as SEO, WordPress, Web Hosting, Affiliate Marketing etc. His provided knowledge helps the business people, developers, designers, and bloggers to stay ahead in the digital competition.

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