Google Core Algorithm Update

Google Algorithm Updates

March 2024 Core Update Rollout Completed

The big update from March 2024 for Google finished going out on April 19, 2024. That’s 45 days after it started on March 5, 2024. But Google said it was all done officially on April 26, 2024. Google used a platform called X to tell everyone that the March 2024 update was done. They also gave a form for website…

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Google Algorithm Updates

Google Algorithm Updates 2023: August Broad Core Update

Google announced on August 22, 2023 that it has rolled out a broad core algorithm update. This is the second broad core update of 2023, following the March 2023 update. Broad core updates are changes to Google’s search algorithm that are designed to improve the quality of search results. They are not targeted at any specific websites or pages, but…

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Google Algorithm Updates

May 2022 Core Algorithm Update Rollout Completed (June 9, 2022)

Google announced on June 9 that the June 2022 Core Update rollout is complete, two weeks after it began. The May 2022 core update rollout is now complete. — Google Search Central (@googlesearchc) June 9, 2022 It’s crucial to note that there were significant variations over the course of these two weeks. We have witnessed websites improve in ranks, then…

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