SEO vs PPC: Which Provides Better Results To Your Business


Those who seek solutions to grow website traffic always come across two main options that are search engine optimization and pay per click. SEO practices encourage to build online traffic by simply affecting the website ranking over search engines; however, in PPC programs, one needs to spend money for traffic generated from it. The most common PPC programs are Yahoo search marketing and Google Adwords. These programs enable website owners to showcase their advertisements in the section of sponsored results. Depending on the competitiveness of the selected keyword, one needs to pay a certain fee.

To fetch the best benefits from SEO, it is mandatory to follow the best practices and as its result, your website will be showcased in the top search results on search engines. Reaching on the top of the search results list may take some time; however, this targeted traffic would prove highly beneficial to your investment.

Now, question is; which approach is the best from the two – PPC or SEO? Well, the basic selection depends on the budget and requirements in hand. If you look for ways to get faster website traffic and ready to pay as well, then choose PPC. On the contrary, if you have narrow budget, then investing in time will be a better option through SEO.

In this article, we will talk about both options – PPC and SEO in detail. This article will tell you when you should choose SEO and when choose PPC. Knowing these aspects, you can better decide the best option from the two.

Using SEO –

SEO involves several techniques that are targeted to drive a site to the top page of search engines. For every online or web-based business, SEO is highly valuable practice. As per statistics, 80 percent of the online traffic for any site would come from search engines. From all search engines, Google appears to be the biggest one that features over 3.5 billion online searches a day. Therefore, most of the SEO experts target Google for their SEO campaigns.

Now, coming to our question, when to use SEO over PPC? Here are few conditions where SEO fits perfectly for a website.

When a Website Seeks Consistent Results – SEO supports a longer growth period as compared to the PPC. Reaching to the top search page of Google is a long process that cannot be happened within a day or week. But, it takes time. When you choose SEO for your site to reach to the top search results, it gives sustained web traffic. Moreover, when you continue with a powerful SEO program, work to sustain and enhance results, you would definitely stay for a long time on the top search results and enjoy great benefits.

When your Aim is to Build Authority Website – For every niche, an authority site is a reliable and preferred resource centre. Usually, people check over the information from the authority site when they need an update from a certain niche. Depending on the URL recall only, an authority site can generate a remarkable traffic. The ideal way to create an authority site is by generating web traffic to the web pages, working on building a good reputation till it gets famous to dominate the niche. Only with the power of smart and meaningful content, you can generate a sustainable traffic for your site.

When you aim to Enhance Your Website Value – A website acts the role of online real estates for every company or individual. If you plan to trade off your site for some premium amount, it is mandatory to work on enhancing its value. In this process, many factors can contribute which include generated traffic amount, SEO ranking over a certain period of time, consistency in web traffic to the site, likes, and popularity of link. All these factors are related to the SEO.

Just remember that SEO is not about “free simple clicks”, but it involves a huge amount of quality work in generating and publishing content that takes a lot of money and time.

Using PPC –

After putting light on various aspects and benefits of SEO, let’s talk about the other side of the coin that is PPC. PPC that is pay per click advertising is a kind of marketing using search engine. Mainly, in this process, the website owner bids for the website ads to appear within sponsored search results at a time a person comes up with a query related to your focused keyword.

Why it is termed as pay per click? Well, the reason is simple as one has to pay for every click a user makes on the appeared ad that is being promoted. The most prominent PPC platforms of the time are Bing Ads, Google AdWords, Facebook Ad platform etc. There are many niche-specific systems available for PPC to choose from.

Let’s discuss when is the best time to use or get benefit from PPC campaign over SEO –

When You Look for Quick Results – PPC is known for delivering quick and instant results. The results are as fast as one can easily count the moments before a traffic of web visitors breaks in your web pages. It happens because the time this campaign gets approved, the ads instantly start appearing for online users to see. It will drag almost instantaneous traffic. Thus the performance of PPC is truly amazing with new launched products, CPA marketing, affiliate marketing that involves join venture, seasonal promotions, conversion offers, analogous web business campaigns, event-oriented marketing, squeeze pages, etc.

Choose PPC When Fully Targeted Online Traffic is Desired- Just opposed to the SEO, the PPC enables one to squeeze down the prospects as per the demographic data for your business. A number of PPC platforms such as social media websites, enable one to advertise to a certain age range, income bracket, gender, marital status, and education level of the users who would be allowed to see the ads. Facebook allows PPC subscribers to target users as per their certain hobbies and likings. This way, PPC becomes a dynamic method to reach out the most targeted audience with certain requirements and serve them the most relevant solution in time.

When You Have to Encourage an Offer that is Time-Sensitive – PPC is perfect marketing solution for products, events, services etc. that come with an expiration time. Choosing SEO in this scenario will not give you results within a bound time due to its long development period. For all time-sensitive services, products etc. go with PPC marketing or advertising.

When a Site is Not Designed Around SEO – SEO is based on the high quality content that has to be updated on a regular website. This is the way you can make search engine aware of your site for being relevant for online audience.

These are few conditions to choose PPC or SEO for your website popularity and gain required visibility on the internet. If you are new to website promotions like PPC or SEO, then choose an experienced Google Adwords Management program from the specialists of Google Adwords Melbourne.

Sonu Singh

Sonu Singh is an enthusiastic blogger & SEO expert at 4SEOHELP. He is digitally savvy and loves to learn new things about the world of digital technology. He loves challenges come in his way. He prefers to share useful information such as SEO, WordPress, Web Hosting, Affiliate Marketing etc. His provided knowledge helps the business people, developers, designers, and bloggers to stay ahead in the digital competition.

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