Digital Marketing

Paid Advertising Trends to Watch and Apply in 2024 – It’s Not Too Late

Paid advertising has long been an industry where success is driven by those who invest the most, but that’s now changing. As more brands understand the potential of paid advertising and embrace strategies to optimize ad spend, growth will continue to shift towards marketers that focus on return-on-investment (ROI).

Getting there requires understanding what’s changed, and what shifts are expected to occur. Paid advertising is constantly changing. Many of the changes in paid search marketing in India over the past year have been well documented: the increasing importance of video ads, the rise of local and mobile search, changing auction dynamics.

Multiple channels are available, each with its own unique strengths and weaknesses. There is a lot to consider when deciding what channel will serve your business best, no matter what vertical you are in. With the widespread mindset that digital advertising is pricey and its effectiveness debatable, marketers are suddenly more focused on how they want their budgets to be allocated. With technological advancements, people have shifted from traditional media platforms to digital ones, and the internet has evolved into a giant craze in all aspects of life including marketing.

Below are some paid advertising trends you should know that will challenge your thinking and help you better build your next marketing campaigns:

Deliver Convenience with Voice Search

Voice search is creeping up in the world of search engine optimization. Voice searches account for about 10% of all searches and Google predicts by 2021, half of all search clicks will be from voice queries. If your business depends on people finding you via search engine traffic, you need to crawl up inside the heads of your customers and make it as simple as possible to complete their intent.

Understand Your Audience & the Buyer Journey

The truth is that an ad campaign can be highly profitable even if you target keywords with a low CTR. The key to achieving success with PPC campaigns lies not only in creating excellent ads that get CTRs for top keywords but also in getting to know your audience and understanding their buying journey, starting with keyword research.

In order to make a purchase, there are a number of factors that guide us in arriving at a decision. Knowing these factors provides you with insight into how people think and ultimately allows you to create advertisements that connect with people who ultimately convert to leads and sales.

The best ad campaigns have a foundation built on proper research which helps you create relevant keywords, ad copy, and landing pages that are worth visiting for the target audience. Understanding what a buyer goes through when they’re ready to buy is essential to success for display advertising advertisers. The only way to ensure you optimize your Pay per click ads correctly is to know your audience and the buyer cycle.

Leverage Smart Bidding

When you are working with pay-per-click (PPC) ads, you’ll quickly learn two things. First, the cost of your ad will fluctuate daily based on Google’s algorithm. Second, it can be difficult to track whether or not your ads are working and how they work overtime. But we have a special thing to help you navigate these challenges – smart bidding.

Smart bidding is about consistency and returns on investment. If you are not properly utilizing Smart Bidding, which works by predicting your conversions per ad group, you are leaving a lot of opportunity on the table. Once you work out what bids give you the most conversions, it saves you a lot of time and stress. Even more so, it is also helpful to your clients who have PPC accounts, as it all but guarantees them better conversions.


The idea of remarketing with Google AdWords was born out of the need to lure in potential customers who were already aware of a product or service. In such an oversaturated market, trying to get the attention of potential customers can sometimes seem like finding a needle in a haystack.

Re-marketing is a way to target potential buyers who have visited your website but haven’t converted to a lead or sale. There are also certain analytics tools that claim to help with remarketing via Google Analytics, if you know what you are doing within GA you might be able to create some custom scripts which can improve your results.

Go Social

Going social for PPC is a great way to reach a bigger audience and get some additional exposure on social media. Moreover, going social also makes for nice complementary channels for your advertisements. Adding social advertising is a good way to do so. Social ads have the potential to be highly cost-effective, with social media featuring prominently in recent studies highlighting its ability to drive offline sales.

When it comes to paid online advertising, you should be aware of the latest trends. The previous year has seen huge changes in the way we market online and 99% of them have been for the better. These new trends will continue to play out in the coming year.

PPC Automation

It works well to bring targeted visitors to your site, but sometimes you need some help to do this at scale. This is where PPC automation comes into play. The idea behind PPC automation is that you have some part of the process automated so that PPC ads can be set up in one place and then you can stop worrying about it.

PPC automation allows you to set up automated processes you want to occur when certain activities take place within your PPC account. In other words, it writes or acts on your behalf. It can run reports daily, weekly, monthly, or even whenever a trigger happens.

Visual searching

In an online search, a customer’s search terms can include one or more as they make comparisons and contrast among brands and products. Searching becomes a picture hunt of sorts, where users enter words that describe the visual characteristics of what they are seeking. This is especially true for PPC campaigns focused on finding long-tail trends for specific verticals.

Visual searching is the next phase of PPC. The programmatic buying processes and search engines are focusing on delivering, besides the text ads, images that correspond to the user’s intent. This trend has been seen from multiple players including Google, Bing Ads, etc.

Video advertising

Video ads are getting a lot of attention. From brand videos to infomercials, the online world is going to video. Video is also very effective in helping online users determine if they want to buy from you or not. Approximately 90% of all viral videos are advertisements. Video can also serve as a great call to action on your online store. Videos can be used to generate sign-ups or show off your product in action. Video advertising has been an interesting trend for the past couple of years and still continues to grow in popularity despite some pushback from consumers.

Integrating SEO and PPC campaigns

Integrating and PPC campaigns are the best course of action when you want to improve your campaign’s performance and reduce costs in the process. Know that while there is no silver bullet, there are proven techniques companies use to improve SEO rankings and the most important one is to get more customers. The main benefit is you can track actions from each campaign, which gives you a big advantage over other businesses that don’t do this.

Integrating SEO and PPC campaigns can be beneficial to your marketing efforts. It allows you to share the same goals and work with a single budget. Integrate SEO and PPC campaigns using the same strategy and easily generate new leads and customers for your business!

Increase Your Reach with other Paid Ad Platforms

From Facebook Ads to Google Display Ads, each has its own pros and cons. However, there are other paid ad platforms that could help you extend your reach and get more traffic to your website. Take assistance from Digital Marketing Company in India for paid ads.

YouTube Bumper Video Ads

YouTube bumper ads are videos that play before a YouTube video but can also be called pre-roll ads, they tend to be short 15 or 30 seconds ads that aim directly at the targeted audience. The rise of mobile video content across the internet is indisputable. The YouTube audience, in particular, is projected to spend more than 50% of their time watching on mobile. So it makes sense that businesses are looking to harness this opportunity on YouTube, particularly for Video Ads.

Bumper ads are a great way to take advantage of YouTube’s robust platform and create an ad that can entice viewers to seek more information about your brand. These types of ads allow you to include multiple calls from actions within the ad and even include a call-to-action overlay on top of the video. These types of ads can be a great way for you to expand upon your brand presence on Youtube as well as other social media channels like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Sonu Singh

Sonu Singh is an enthusiastic blogger & SEO expert at 4SEOHELP. He is digitally savvy and loves to learn new things about the world of digital technology. He loves challenges come in his way. He prefers to share useful information such as SEO, WordPress, Web Hosting, Affiliate Marketing etc. His provided knowledge helps the business people, developers, designers, and bloggers to stay ahead in the digital competition.

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  1. Paid Advertising percentage has fallen due to this pandemic crisis. Although you explained it very nicely. Thanks.

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