Explore the Most Effective E-commerce Email Marketing Practices

Ecommerce Email Marketing although may not be the best advertising medium yet it is the most affordable means of scaling an e-commerce business, and there is no question about it. More than 60% of marketers stated that email as the top performing medium for customer retention. To build a successful marketing program for e-commerce email will take a lot of effort and time but the moment a program is made this will act as a highly secure means of reaching both existing and potential customers.

The Best Practices Unveiled

Make these e-commerce email marketing practices to use in order to make your business reach new heights,

  • Set Goals-

    First and foremost comes execution and for executing well a proper plan and a proper strategy is a must. Here a vital step will be to set and review goals regularly. Here goal includes a goal for the program, every email sent and also every campaign. After all, when your goal is in place, your decision-making will automatically become simple. Goals will augment the efficiency as well thereby making it simpler to check what is working and vice versa. An email program has multiple goals yet to maintain a focus along with understanding the top priority is crucial for e-commerce email marketing’s success.

In some cases, boosting sales will be the highest priority while in other staying in touch with clients long-term along with extending subscriber value will be a better goal. You need to be clear who you need to send the email, why and also what you can accomplish is one of the finest practices when it comes to e-commerce email marketing. To know more, contact Joel House SEO.

  • Use Automation-

    An effective e-commerce email marketing program is built on marketing automation. An automated workflow will help in segmenting on the fly and at the same time personalise offerings as well as delivery times easily. In the absence of marketing automation to effectively scale any e-commerce website will be difficult. This is because you cannot write and send across all the emails through hand when the business gets thousands of customers. In short marketing automation is another best practice here.

  • Excellent Sender Reputation-

    An email list will be valuable provided you are capable of reaching those mentioned on it. The ability to getemails in the inbox or deliverability is a big problem in case of most e-commerce email senders. The truth is sender reputation is an imperative part regarding what determines whether an email reaches the spam folder, the inbox or the promotions folder. Most importantly you need to maintain these two practices- The email list should be clean and you must respect your audience.

  • Clean Email List-

    This can be categorised into two parts- ongoing list maintenance and email acquisition strategy. A good email list is one that you build yourself. Avoid purchasing an email list. An email verification system will help to ensure that a new mail is legitimate, is not spam trap and hard bounce. The next part is the ongoing maintenance. When an email sender sends emails in an address which is unresponsive this will act as a negative sign for email service providers. So, you need to clean the list comprising of non-responsive addresses twice a year.

  • Respect the Audience-

    Sending a mail to one single individual or the entire list will need the same time but remember the other side’s attention is a restricted resource. To send low-quality or irrelevant marketing emails automatically will pull down your engagement, the sender reputation as well as the revenue potential concerning your email program. Bing, Google or Facebook all have their respective version when it comes to their relevance advertising score. If the relevance score is not up to the mark, you will have to pay drastically for running the ad. When the visibility of your ad increases amid your audience it will automatically pull down the relevance score. The sender reputation has a virtuous cycle. So, send the best quality content only to real people that are truly interested. Also send content always in the right frequency to maintain its interest and see how you get higher engagement. The best part, higher engagement will result in better deliverability which will result in higher engagement, and this will ultimately lead to excellent revenue.

  • Mobile Friendly-

    The majority of the customers these days check emails on their Smartphone. The mobile-friendly feature often is a forgotten best practice in case of e-commerce email marketing. Some marketing automation platforms will allow you to preview as to how an email will appear in various browsers, on mobile devices and screen sizes. Ensure that the templates, landing pages and website load well as well as used easily on the mobile handset. Check the call to action along with ensuring that the process functions in a hassle-free way with less friction for optimizing Here the best step will be to send yourself test emails to check the purchasing sequence on the mobile phone. In fact, there cannot be anything better for finding issues and identifying possible improvements than first-hand experience.

  • Welcome Series-

    Setting a welcome series is a good practice for e-commerce email marketing. It is simple and can accomplish a couple of goals. When it comes to your subscribers, it will help you in learning about the subscriber as well as the email frequency that they prefer.

  • Improved Abandoned Cart Series-

    To build a good abandoned cart series indeed is another good practice for e-commerce email marketing. There are various ways of building abandoned cart series yet a basic series generally comprises of 3 emails. You can take the help of A/B test and experiment different timing or take the help of automation for finding the best frequency and time for delivering the next email. When you use an effectively abandoned cart series, it is likely to bring back a good number of customers.

Lastly, it is vital to continue reviewing and improving. Try these practices to experience the difference.

Sonu Singh: Sonu Singh is an enthusiastic blogger & SEO expert at 4SEOHELP. He is digitally savvy and loves to learn new things about the world of digital technology. He loves challenges come in his way. He prefers to share useful information such as SEO, WordPress, Web Hosting, Affiliate Marketing etc. His provided knowledge helps the business people, developers, designers, and bloggers to stay ahead in the digital competition.