Digital Marketing

Beginners Guide to Promoting a Product Using Digital Marketing Methods

Merely having a great product is not enough. People need to know about it. As we have moved further into 2019, it has become clear that consumers are more widespread than ever. You need to find the most efficient platforms available to promote your product.

There’s no question that a big part of your marketing strategy is digital since consumers and businesses alike are always online. Recent research shows that the global internet use is on the rise. Approximately 9 % increase in the number of users from the last year has been recorded in Jan 2019.

However, it could be overwhelming at times considering the ever evolving market and especially when you’re growing a business.

What Is Digital Marketing?

Digital marketing encompasses all marketing channels and methods you can use to promote products or services on the internet as well as on electronic devices.

Your key to success is to choose the right digital marketing services in order to promote your product the right way. The approach may vary based on an individual businessgoals. However, there are a few things to bear in mind that will help you increase your online presence and will keep you on the path to success.

Top Digital Marketing Methods

Let’s see how we can achieve our goal by using the best Digital Platforms for our products and services-

  1. Social Media Marketing

How do you plan to build your brand, products or services awareness amongst the customers who are widespread more than ever?

Earlier, social media was primarily used for networking but today it has  become one of the most affordable ,effective and widely used tool to develop, promote and build business. 

Number of social media users is skyrocketing and is estimated to reach 2.77 billion around the globe in 2019.  Hence, it’ll be an injudicious time to turn a blind eye to social media marketing tools and strategy.

Whether you are operating in B2B space or B2C, Social media marketing strategy can help you grow your business by leaps and bounds and create a strong brand positioning in the market.

A lot many media platforms are available for you to choose from. Some of them are mentioned below:-

  1. Facebook – It is considered #1 social media tool. Marketing tools like Paid options to increase likes and reach, Ads etc have made it easier for businesses to thrive in the market.
  2. Linkedin – it is a perfect place to drive business results, position brand, promote awareness of your product and services. You can do effective networking, take advantage of business groups and make the most of Linkedin marketing tools.
  3. YouTube – Yet another media platform, second largest search engine after Google, results of which are undeniable. Videos are considered are the content with best ROI (Return on investment). Quality content, Partnership with others, Back linking, Calls to action and consistency are some of the most effective you tube marketing strategies. Other most commonly and widely used medias are twitter, Instagram, Reddit.

One thing that is common amongst all these social media channels is that they attract millions of user’s every day. Keep your eyes and ears open. Listen to your customers, their needs and connect with them directly. You can start by using any channel that will help you reach out to the customers you are specifically targeting .

Remember your two main goals are – Brand awareness and Conversions

Moreover, A team of experienced digital marketers can help you in setting up a successful Social media marketing campaign!!     

  1. Google Ads (Google Ad words)

It is one of the most effective ways to promote your product online. It’s a type of Pay-Per-Click (PPC) where the advertiser pays the ad publisher each time a new lead clicks on the ad.

It can be extremely powerful way of driving relevant and qualified traffic to your website exactly when people are searching for the types of products or services your business offers. Google Adwords will double your investment if you choose this Digital Marketing platform.

  1. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) 

It won’t be an exaggeration to say that SEO is vital in order to promote a product successfully. You may have heard marketers talk about SEO and how important it is to digital marketing. Be it Ecommerce SEO or SEO for small business, everyone has got to have it in order to make their products stand out in the crowd.

When users make a search, the top result on Google has 33% chance of getting clicked. You won’t be able to generate leads, if nobody is able to find you.

The reason why other websites are ranking higher than you on Google is because they are making a conscious effort to improve their SEO by using effective and strategic SEO services. 

What is SEO? 

In simple words, search engine optimization is the relevant change in your website or content so that it can appear in the search engines. By doing so, you can increase your visibility in the organic or un-paid, search engine results.

Search engines like Google scan your website or content to know how user friendly your site is and the quality of your content. If you update your content with reliable and valuable information, chances are that you will be recommended to users by these search engines.

What are SEO Techniques? 

A lot of content just like yours is available readily on Google. Question is how to make sure that your content is noticed, promoted and appear at the top. Staying at top of SEO is also not easy since Google is constantly updating its algorithm and without research and experimentation on your part, you will be pushed down with no hesitation.

Let’s look at some of the advanced SEO techniques in 2019

1-Identify the needs of your customers

2- SEO audit of your website is must

3- Mobile friendly website

4- Post High quality and reliable content

5- Keep your website updated

6- Social media marketing

7- Link building

8- Write content with max 1800 words

9- Include User experience/ Reviews

10-Focus on improving Meta data description

You can even hire the team of skilled people who will provide complete SEO services to you and help you improve your SEO rankings.

  1. Content Marketing

 Content is king! One of the most citied quotes in the world of online marketing, social media marketing and content marketing.It simply means that the success of websites depends on quality content. And it’s true!

A website must offer content that meets the demands of users and it should be optimized for the search engines like Google. Only with a high quality content can the ranking of a site be optimized.

What to do?

You can not only use content to inform users about your product but can also bring value to the visitors. Fortunately we have a lot of options to choose from. You can use different types of content to boost you digital marketing campaign. Some of the content types are listed below-

  1. White Papers
  2. E-books
  3. Images
  4. Infographics
  5. Podcasts
  6. Testimonials
  7. Videos
  8. Website Pages
  9. Social media posts
  10. Case studies
  11. Blog posts
  12. Ad content

What is “Good Content”?

Good social media content is unique, entertaining, informative, attractive, well structured, user friendly and optimized for search engines.

  1. Website Design

 You website is the most important marketing tool to your digital marketing strategy. This is the place where people get to know you, your products and services. It’s the platform where all businesses take place. You might be running a great digital marketing campaign but without a successful website, all your efforts will come to naught. Hence, do not underestimate theimportance of website designing to your marketing strategy.

Features every website must have-

  • Excellent User Interface (UI)-

User Interface is the connecting link between users and the technology.

In simple words, from pages, screens, buttons, shapes, forms to other visual facilities that are used to interact with the device is UI. Presentation is the key. How you present and promote your product makes a lot of difference. If the UI is attractive, user friendly and satisfactory, users will visit it again and again. Here come your loyal customers!!

  • Easy Navigation-

One thing that no user likes on internet is getting lost and not been able to find a way forward. It’s upsetting and negative marketing. How much traffic you generate will depend on how user friendly your website is. Think from customer’s point of view and develop your strategy around it.

  • Hosting-

If your website is taking forever in loading, users will not stay on it for a very long time. They will easily move on to the next available option. Hence, It’s important to have a trusted web hosting service with 24/7 technical assistance.

  • Mobile Friendly-

Considering the fact that people are spending maximum number of their time on smart phones, Mobile optimization strategy can bring you chunk of audience that you might be missing out on! Maximum number of Google searches is made through mobile phones. Therefore, creating a mobile friendly website will result in more traffic and lead conversion.

  • Security-

Secure websites are always preferred to not so secure ones. First step to winning your customers is to build trust. Especially those sites where money transactions take place (E-commerce websites), it’s important to secure them with SSL certificates. One’s the security aspect is taken care of, customer will be at ease and will not hesitate his personal information with you. This will go a long way in building credibility with your target audience.

To ensure that your website meets your goals, your website design needs to consider:

  1. User Experience (UX)
  2. Brand Identity
  3. Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)
  4. Conversion Rate Optimisation (CRO)

Now Let us look at some of the most important ways to market your product to the public.

  1. Identify your target customers
  2. Get to know the needs of your target audience
  3. Engaging Visuals
  4. Use photos, videos, infographics etc
  5. User friendly
  6. Effective navigation
  7. Mobile compatibility
  8. Good content
  9. Avoid duplicate content
  10. Improve your on-page SEO

In conclusion, you can apply these digital marketing tactics and see the difference yourself. They might cost you some money but it is nothing compared to the revenue that these methods will bring to your business.

Sonu Singh

Sonu Singh is an enthusiastic blogger & SEO expert at 4SEOHELP. He is digitally savvy and loves to learn new things about the world of digital technology. He loves challenges come in his way. He prefers to share useful information such as SEO, WordPress, Web Hosting, Affiliate Marketing etc. His provided knowledge helps the business people, developers, designers, and bloggers to stay ahead in the digital competition.

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